Recent News & Announcements (For the latest events, please check our events page)
Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) is an IRCC funded program that delivers free pre-arrival services for job readiness, success and retention. Resources and courses are offered at no charge, these include: one-on-one orientation, job search support, employment counselling, and workplace culture training, as well as referral to a wide range of post-arrival services upon entry to Canada. Register now to get started!
Community Cafe is a place where anyone in the community can come together and interact, learn English and meet new friends from around the world.Community Cafe is hosted on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Newcomer Welcome Centre 432 main st N, at 7:00 pm.Contact our office to let us know that you will be attending at 306-692-6892
Healthy Living Project is consistently trying to promote and introduce activities that promote, maintain, and engage Newcomers in living a healthy life, through various activities. With our gardening program, we encourage newcomers and volunteers in the community to learn about growing food, maintaining a garden, and enjoying the harvest at the end of the season. To register for this...
Join us via Zoom to learn more about employee rights, how to file a complaint, what rights employees have an discrimination in the workplace. To register, please call 306-692-6892 or email

During the months of October-December 2021, the NWC/MJMC will be offering in-person workshops covering various topics on workplace readiness to provide you professional skills and tools for the job. Some topics include: communication, working with others, resume writing skills, interview skills and more.This program is available to:- permanent residents- open work permit holdersTo register for...

We are hosting a resume writing workshop on May 19th at 5:30pm. Our Employment Coordinator, Robyn, will be sharing useful tips and tricks to getting you the job you want. This is a FREE event and will be on Zoom.Topic: Resume Writing WorkshopTime: May 19, 2021 05:30 PM SaskatchewanJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 865 6853 2404Passcode: Resume123